[comp.windows.x] ssetroot problem with tvtwm

dy@cbnewsj.att.com (david.k.yip) (09/13/90)

I got tvtwm running on our Sun3 and Sun4 machines, but I am having trouble 
with the ssetroot program which replaces the xsetroot program.  I compiled 
ssetroot program but when I run it, I get the error message

ld.so: Undefined symbol:  __XtInherit

Anyone out there havng this problem or know what the fix might be? I suspect  
one of the share libraries (probably libXt.so) is hosed but it has not 
changed lately on our system.  

Any help would be appreciated.

David Yip (dy@mtgzx.att.com)
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Middletown, NJ

smartin@torsys02_1.uucp (Stephen Martin) (09/20/90)

I have also had this problem with a number of things.  Compiling the thing
with -Bstatic seems to get around it.
Stephen Martin             -------      LSI Logic Corporation of Canada, Inc.
Phone: (416) 620-7400   LSI|LOGIC|      Suite 1110, 401 The West Mall,        
Fax:   (416) 620-5005      |     |      Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada.
                           -------	M9C 5J5