[comp.windows.x] Need X documentation pointer

phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (09/21/90)

I need to find out how to go about making the various pieces of X.  Rather
than someone telling me what I did wrong with the enclosed example, I'd much
rather have a "root" pointer into that portion of the documentation for X
that tells me how to go about properly doing things like compiling and
linking programs for X.  Unfortunately the names of the documents don't make
it obvious which one should be read and the Nutshell books on Xlib (V1&2)
don't cover this, and I am ready to start trying some experimental hacking
well before I have a chance to read all the documentation.  E-mail replies
would be best unless you believe the answer deserves wide distribution.

Here was what I was first trying to do:

phil@ux1:/tmp/phil 23> (cd /pub/uiuc/src/X11R4/mit/clients;tar cf - xsetroot)|
tar xvf -
x xsetroot/Imakefile, 155 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x xsetroot/xsetroot.c, 12307 bytes, 25 tape blocks
x xsetroot/Makefile, 9023 bytes, 18 tape blocks
x xsetroot/CHANGES, 98 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x xsetroot/xsetroot.man, 3649 bytes, 8 tape blocks
phil@ux1:/tmp/phil 24> cd xsetroot
phil@ux1:/tmp/phil/xsetroot 25> ls -l
total 28
-rw-------  1 phil           98 Dec 20  1989 CHANGES
-rw-------  1 phil          155 Dec 13  1989 Imakefile
-rw-------  1 phil         9023 Aug  6 17:53 Makefile
-rw-------  1 phil        12307 Dec 10  1989 xsetroot.c
-rw-------  1 phil         3649 Dec 21  1989 xsetroot.man
phil@ux1:/tmp/phil/xsetroot 26> make xsetroot
        cc -O   -I../../.       -c xsetroot.c &12658
Make:  Don't know how to make ../.././extensions/lib/libXext.a.  Stop.
phil@ux1:/tmp/phil/xsetroot 27>

--Phil Howard, KA9WGN-- | Individual CHOICE is fundamental to a free society
<phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> | no matter what the particular issue is all about.