[comp.windows.x] Imake for VMS.

BERT.HAJEE%TFDL.AGRO.NL@MITVMA.MIT.EDU ("B.A. Hajee - TFDL Wageningen") (10/03/90)

Hello All,

I've been trying to get the imake in the R4 tapes ( /mit/config ) working
on VMS. I've been using two C preprocessors :

                Gnu cpp
                DECUS C cpp     /mit/util/cpp on the MIT R4 tape.

I didn't get it working. Has somebody else tried building imake for
VMS ??

     B.A. Hajee                          Phone:        (+31)8370-19143
     Technical services of the Dutch     Telefax:      (+31)8370-11312
     ministry for Agriculture            BITnet/EARN:  Bert.Hajee@Tfdl.Agro.Nl
     T.F.D.L. - Afd. Automatisering      SURFnet       AGRT06::HAJEE
     P.O. BOX 356                        AGROnet       GEMINI::HAJEE
     NL-6700 AJ  Wageningen
     The Netherlands