[comp.windows.x] X neophyte looking for xterm window sizing/positioning help

smithd@ndl.COM (Dana Smith) (10/04/90)

I am currently switching from SunView to X and am trying to set up my
environment like I had it under SunView.  With SunView I could use
escape sequences to size and position windows.  I bound these escape
sequences to some of the function keys so that they were easy to use.
Under X, I am using xterm windows and the olwm window manager that was
part of the user contributed software.  So far, I have been unable to
find similar escape sequences to do what I want.  Does anyone know if
they exist?  If not, has anyone out there written a program that could
tell an xterm window to move to a particular location or to change to a
particular size?  Is this even possible?  I know that these are functions
of any window manager but I would like to have a non-mouse interface for
performing these functions.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Dana L. Smith                                   smithd@ndl.com
Numerical Design Ltd.                           ...!mcnc!rti!ndl!smithd