[comp.windows.x] Resetting fromHoriz or fromVert resources

cso@rose.cis.ohio-state.edu (Dr. Conleth S. O'Connell Jr.) (10/03/90)

Hi there.  
I am basically trying to display an organizational-chart type of tree
with label widgets containing strings connected by lines that show
their dependencies.  I have the line drawing stuff working just fine.

I have 2 problems with the following scenario:

The label widgets are placed in a form widget inside of a viewport
widget inside of a toplevelShell widget.  After the descriptions, I'll
include the declarations of the resources for these widgets.

When I first create/place a label widget, everything works okay, i.e., the
scrollbars are correct.  However, I am pretty printing the tree, e.g.,

   |            |              |
child1	      child2        child3
	   |         |
	child2.1  child2.2

Pretty printing takes place as such for child2.1 for example:
I want to place myself relative to the rightmost widget that I've seen
so far (in a postfix traversal), in this case - child1.

I get the x and width values of child1
I get the x value of child2.1

if I need to change the x value of child2.1, I make it 10 pixels + the
x and width values of child1.

I move the child2.1 widget with XtMoveWidget.
What I want to do is just reset the fromHoriz resource, but nothing
happens when I do this.  Any ideas?

ANyway, because I am using XtMoveWidget one of two (or both) problems

1) The scrollbars no longer display the correct percentage nor allow
the user to get to the far right items, but they do before the pretty
printing occurs.

2) The form widget is not resizing correctly because the resources of
the children are not quite right, i.e., the fromHoriz resource.

I've tried lots of combinations but nothing seems to quite work.

Here are the resource declarations for everything but the label

   cnt = 0;
   Treeshell  = XtAppCreateShell("Navigation_Tree", "tree",
				 topLevelShellWidgetClass, XtDisplay(Toplevel),
				 args, cnt);
   cnt = 0;
   XtSetArg(args[cnt], XtNallowHoriz, True);  cnt++;
   XtSetArg(args[cnt], XtNallowVert,  True);  cnt++;
   XtSetArg(args[cnt], XtNforceBars,  True);  cnt++;
   XtSetArg(args[cnt], XtNwidth,      500);   cnt++;
   XtSetArg(args[cnt], XtNheight,     250);   cnt++;
   treeview = XtCreateManagedWidget("treeview", viewportWidgetClass, 
				    Treeshell, args, cnt);
   cnt = 0;
   XtSetArg(args[cnt], XtNdefaultDistance, 10);  cnt++;
   treeframe = XtCreateManagedWidget("treeframe", formWidgetClass,
				     treeview, args, cnt);

Thanks for any explanation!

Dr. Conleth S. O'Connell Jr. Department of Computer and Information Science
                                       The Ohio State University
cso@cis.ohio-state.edu        2036 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH USA 43210-1277

converse@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (10/04/90)

[ Within an Athena Form widget ]

> What I want to do is just reset the fromHoriz resource, but nothing
> happens when I do this.  Any ideas?

It is probably some bug.  Try to unmanage the child(ren), reset the 
resource, and manage the child(ren) again.   

> ANyway, because I am using XtMoveWidget one of two (or both) problems
> occur:

When you use XtMoveWidget you are changing the arrangment of widgets
without going through the Form widget, which manages the arrangement
of widgets.  You are circumventing the Form widget, so you can't 
expect it to respond correctly.

> Thanks for any explanation!

I have very little time to look at these problems.  If anyone else
on the net would care to take up the slack, it would be appreciated.

Donna Converse

"The only thing worse than voice mail is the Form widget."
 - anonymous Consortium advisory committee member

rlh2@ukc.ac.uk (Richard Hesketh) (10/04/90)

In article <84330@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu> Dr. Conleth S. O'Connell Jr. <cso@rose.cis.ohio-state.edu> writes:

>Hi there.  


>The label widgets are placed in a form widget inside of a viewport
>widget inside of a toplevelShell widget.  After the descriptions, I'll
>include the declarations of the resources for these widgets.

>When I first create/place a label widget, everything works okay, i.e., the
>scrollbars are correct.  However, I am pretty printing the tree, e.g.,
>	       root
>	        |
>   -----------------------------
>   |            |              |
>child1	      child2        child3
>                |
>	   -----------
>	   |         |
>	child2.1  child2.2
>Pretty printing takes place as such for child2.1 for example:
>I want to place myself relative to the rightmost widget that I've seen
>so far (in a postfix traversal), in this case - child1.
>I get the x and width values of child1
>I get the x value of child2.1
>if I need to change the x value of child2.1, I make it 10 pixels + the
>x and width values of child1.
>I move the child2.1 widget with XtMoveWidget.
>What I want to do is just reset the fromHoriz resource, but nothing
>happens when I do this.  Any ideas?

By using the XtMoveWidget() you are completely overriding any child layout
performed by the Form widget.  The from{Horiz|Vert} resources are widget
id.s (not positions) and are used in conjunction with the other constraint
resources to tell the form how to layout the individual child.  The children
should never be moved using the XtMoveWidget() directly in an application.
XtMoveWidget() should only be used by a widget class itself to move its own
children around.

[ Ref: Athena Widget Set - C Language Interface Manual by Chris Peterson;
  Section 6.0.1: "Under no circumstances should an application programmer
  resort to XtMoveWidget() or XtResizeWidget(); these functions are
  excusively for the use of Composite widget implemetors." ]

>ANyway, because I am using XtMoveWidget one of two (or both) problems

Again, this is all because you are breaking the whole geometry management
procedure implemented by the toolkit.  All application geometry changes
should be made through the SetValues interface which will then perform the
necessary changes and inform the various parents involved.

>Thanks for any explanation!

I would suggest two possible solutions:

1) Use the constraint resources of the Form to position children relative to
   siblings.  Such as:

	XtVaSetValues(child1, XtNfromVert, root, XtNfromHoriz, NULL,
			XtNvertDistance, Y_SEP_DIST, NULL);
	XtVaSetValues(child2, XtNfromVert, root, XtNfromHoriz, child1,
			XtNvertDistance, Y_SEP_DIST,
			XtNhorizDistance, X_SEP_DIST, NULL);
	followed by:
	[ see notes below ]

2) Write your own constraint widget class that lays out its given children in
   a tree.  Probably a good place to start for this is the Tree Widget in
   Doug Young's book "X Window Systems Programming and Applications with Xt"
   (there's also a Motif version) published by Prentice-Hall.
   You could implement the algorithm recently published in July's edition of
   IEEE Software: "Drawing Dynamic Trees" by Sven Moen.  Then you could also
   give it away 8-}.


A couple of common things to note:

1) The Form widget has a bug in it such that changes to constraint resources
   on children do not cause the parent to re-layout them immediately.  This
   re-layout can be forced by unmanaging and them re-managing the changed

2) The Viewport widget will not let the child (in this case a Form) scroll
   itself.  Thus changes in the x and y positions of the child are refused.


Richard Hesketh   :   @nsfnet-relay.ac.uk:rlh2@ukc.ac.uk
		  :   rlh2@ukc.ac.uk    ..!{mcsun|mcvax}!ukc!rlh2
Computing Officer, Computing Lab., University of Kent at Canterbury,
Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NF, United Kingdom.
        Tel: +44 227 764000 ext 7620/7590      Fax: +44 227 762811

rlh2@ukc.ac.uk (Richard Hesketh) (10/04/90)

In article <5601@harrier.ukc.ac.uk> I write:
>1) The Form widget has a bug in it such that changes to constraint resources
>   on children do not cause the parent to re-layout them immediately.  This
>   re-layout can be forced by unmanaging and them re-managing the changed
>   child.

What I should have said really is that this is a *feature* of the Form
and that an (in)convenience routine is available to force or defer a
re-layout of the form; namely XawFormDoLayout().
IMHO this ought to be a *public* Boolean resource that can be toggled.


cso@rose.cis.ohio-state.edu (Conleth S. O'Connell Jr.) (10/05/90)

In article <9010031853.AA28767@excess.lcs.mit.edu> converse@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU writes:
>> What I want to do is just reset the fromHoriz resource, but nothing
>> happens when I do this.  Any ideas?
>It is probably some bug.  Try to unmanage the child(ren), reset the 
>resource, and manage the child(ren) again.   

This worked!  I love it when a solution is this simple!

>> [ I was using XtMoveWidget to force changes]

>When you use XtMoveWidget you are changing the arrangment of widgets
>without going through the Form widget, which manages the arrangement
>of widgets.  You are circumventing the Form widget, so you can't 
>expect it to respond correctly.

This explained all of the problems actually, and now the problems no
longer exist.

>I have very little time to look at these problems.  If anyone else
>on the net would care to take up the slack, it would be appreciated.

Thank you for your quick and insightful response despite your other

>Donna Converse

Thanks again,
Dr. Conleth S. O'Connell Jr. Department of Computer and Information Science
                                       The Ohio State University
cso@cis.ohio-state.edu        2036 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH USA 43210-1277