[comp.windows.x] Need help with X, VMS, ultrix

templon@copper.ucs.indiana.edu (jeffrey templon) (10/11/90)

I am trying to get X up and SMOOTHLY running on VMS (it is already running
somewhat).  The particulars for the VMS side: VAX 8650 running VMS 5.3-1,
Graph-On X server terminal/software, DECNet, WIN/TCP.  The particulars
for the other side: VAX 8650 running ultrix (I think 4.1), DECNet, I
don't know what their TCP/IP software is.

I can fire up all the local (to the VAX/VMS) programs I want, no problem.
I can get DECTerm running and then TELNET or SET HOST to the ultrix node,
then do
	setenv DISPLAY vmsnode::nn.0

where vmsnode is the nodename (DECnet) of the vms machine and nn is the
server number assigned to the Graph-On server process running on that node.
I think the 0 is the "screen number".

If I then invoke 'idraw' on the ultrix machine, I get two messages which
say something like 'missing value for 0' and then bang!, the idraw window
shows up.  However, all other x programs I attempt to invoke fail with
a message such as 'Can't Open Display'.  Some of the ones I have tried
are xdvi, xlogo, xclock, xrn, xhost.

If NOTHING worked, I would be inclined to chalk it up to my boneheadedness
or to VMS DECwindows being stupid.  But idraw does work just fine!  I
think now maybe the answer is that idraw does not make an assumption that
the other X programs ARE making (and which is incorrect).  Does anyone
know what the difference between idraw and other X programs is when
it comes to opening the server display?  My guess is that the other X
programs must barf on the DECnet stuff (vmsnode::nn.0 instead of mywms:0.0)
even though the man pages say explicitly that this should be OK.

Help is appreciated.

I should note that all programs fail if I try an entry such as

	129.mm.nnn.x:ff.0  where the stuff before the colon is our

internet address.  This, I am more inclined to attribute to the VMS software.


PS - post responses if you like, but please email a copy too; i may
not have a chance to get to the group again before replies expire.