[comp.windows.x] Window Question

mimperatore@watcgl.waterloo.edu (Marco Imperatore) (07/19/90)

Can someone tell me if the following is possible and if so, how.

A COMPLETELY visible window LARGER THAN ITS PARENT.  I need to get around
the clipping-to-parent-window restriction.

Thanks in advance.
Marco Imperatore
Computer Graphics Lab, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
uucp: mimperatore@watcgl

ekberg@ti-csl.csc.ti.COM (07/20/90)

Marco Imperatore writes on 19 Jul 90 15:34:40 GMT <1990Jul19.153440.755@watcgl.waterloo.edu>
 > Can someone tell me if the following is possible and if so, how.
 > A COMPLETELY visible window LARGER THAN ITS PARENT.  I need to get around
 > the clipping-to-parent-window restriction.

The X11R4 version of the protocol specification states the following in the
section on the CreateWindow request (it's on page 14 of my version):

  Output to a window is always clipped to the inside of the window, so
  that the border is never affected.

So the answer is no.  The server will always clip a child to the interior part
of its parent.  If you want window A to have more visible area than window B,
then window A must be something other than either a direct or indirect child of
window B.

  -- tom (aisle C-4Q), ekberg@csc.ti.com

ldh@bessel.eedsp.gatech.edu (Lonnie D Harvel) (10/16/90)

Can anybody direct me to a window manager or collection of
routines which will make X more Mac-like (not for me).  A
combination of the above will also do.  Thanks.


     The comments and spelling herein are mine and nobody
                     else lays claim to them.
Lonnie D. Harvel                 |  ldh@bessel.eedsp.gatech.edu
School of Electrical Engineering |  
Georgia Institue of Technology   |  "quisque suis patimur manis" 
Atlanta, GA  30332-0250          |  Virgil