[comp.windows.x] xfig 2.0 patchlevel 9

envbvs@epb2.lbl.gov (Brian V. Smith) (10/18/90)

I have just put xfig 2.0 patchlevel 9 on expo.lcs.mit.edu
(contrib/xfig-2.0.pl9.tar.Z - be sure to set binary mode)
for anonymous ftp.  It is in contrib/xfig-2.0.pl9.tar.Z; be sure 
to set binary mode.  I have also mailed the diffs to comp.sources.x.

Following are the CHANGES relevant to pl9.  I have not yet changed
xfig to conform to the new TransFig 2.1 from Micah Beck (beck@cs.cornell.edu)
as I haven't had much time lately for xfig work.  
When I do update it, it will be xfig 2.1 (program version AND file protocol).

Version 2.0 

Patchlevel 9
Changes from patchlevel 8:

o New feature for cutting/pasting objects from figures between xfig processes.
    Select COPY/PASTE from the popup menu.  See the man page.
    From Tom Tkacik (tkacik@kyzyl.mi.org)
o New automatic text line spacing feature moves text input cursor
    to next line (properly centered, or left/right justified) when
    <CR> is input and automatically re-enters text input mode.
    From Jon Tombs <jon@robots.oxford.ac.uk>
o print button now calls fig2dev when xfig is compiled with -DTFX option
    From Doug Flanagan (flanagan@cs.cornell.edu)
o Arrows on lines, arcs, etc. are not be corrupted anymore when copying 
    or changing objects
o proper centering of figures in postscript printing
    From Mark Maybe (markm@boulder.colorado.edu)
o redundant $(DESTDIR) removed from Imakefile for installing troff fonts
o reading figure file no longer loops infinitely if text object is missing ^A
    From Kenneth H. Carpenter (khc@eece.ksu.edu)
o more SYSV compatibility fixes
    From David Elliot (dce@icky.Sony.COM)
o uses 'lp' printer command for print button under SYSV
    From Bo Thide' (bt@irfu.se)
o object image in change object popup menu fixed (caused problems on MIPS
    and some other machines)
    From Ivan Herman (ivan@cwi.nl) and David Elliot (dce@icky.Sony.COM)

Brian V. Smith    (bvsmith@lbl.gov)
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
I don't speak for LBL; they don't pay me enough for that.