[comp.windows.x] OpenWindows reverse video again

mfg@castle.ed.ac.uk (M Gordon) (10/09/90)

I have been trying to get OpenWindows to give me windows with a black 
background and white text without any luck. The recent posts here don't
seem to work for me. Since I've only just started using X windows it's
quite possible I'm doing something wrong. Could some kind soul mail me a
step-by-step idiots guide to getting this to work.

I'm running OpenWindows 2.0 on a Sun 4 with a monochrome monitor.

Thanks in advance

							 _   _   _    _   _	
Michael Gordon - mfg@castle.ed.ac.uk OR ee.ed.ac.uk	| |_| |_| |__| |_| |   
							| . . . .      . . |    
I spilt spot remover on my dog and now he's gone! 	|_________|~~|_____|    

rmf@bpdsun1.uucp (Rob Finley) (10/11/90)

In article <6645@castle.ed.ac.uk> mfg@castle.ed.ac.uk (M Gordon) writes:
>I have been trying to get OpenWindows to give me windows with a black 
>background and white text without any luck. The recent posts here don't
>seem to work for me. Since I've only just started using X windows it's
>quite possible I'm doing something wrong. Could some kind soul mail me a
>step-by-step idiots guide to getting this to work.
>I'm running OpenWindows 2.0 on a Sun 4 with a monochrome monitor.

First off, I agree with you.  I am a draftsman using an OpenWin app to 
design printed circuit boards in a dark room.  After a while, you feel
like everyone has been driving towards you with their brights on. B-)

After begging and bugging (re harassing), I learned that the ability 
to correctly change the ("canvas"?) color will be available in OW 3.0.

Until then...  Sigh.  We are stuck with the stupid tiny black letters 
on the stupid white background.  Sorry.  Anyone hack their color D/A
chip?  I would be happy to be able to change ALL of the white to
something less, er, white.  

Other than that, I love OpenWindows.
 "Lets go kick some Earthling butt!" -- Spaced Invaders


mh@roger.imsd.contel.com (Mike Hoegeman) (10/23/90)

 >In article <6645@castle.ed.ac.uk> mfg@castle.ed.ac.uk (M Gordon) writes:
 >>I have been trying to get OpenWindows to give me windows with a black 
 >>background and white text without any luck. The recent posts here don't
 >>seem to work for me. Since I've only just started using X windows it's
 >>quite possible I'm doing something wrong. Could some kind soul mail me a
 >>step-by-step idiots guide to getting this to work.
 >>I'm running OpenWindows 2.0 on a Sun 4 with a monochrome monitor.
 >First off, I agree with you.  I am a draftsman using an OpenWin app to 
 >design printed circuit boards in a dark room.  After a while, you feel
 >like everyone has been driving towards you with their brights on. B-)
 > After begging and bugging (re harassing), I learned that the ability 
 >to correctly change the ("canvas"?) color will be available in OW 3.0.
 > Until then...  Sigh.  We are stuck with the stupid tiny black letters 
 >on the stupid white background.  Sorry.  Anyone hack their color D/A
 >chip?  I would be happy to be able to change ALL of the white to
 >something less, er, white.  

with most Xview applications you can use flags on the cmd line to change
foreground and background colors. e.g.

    shelltool -fg green -bg blue -fn lucida-sans

for more details do a man 1 xview (with $OPNEWINHOME/man in your $MANPATH
environment variable)
