[comp.windows.x] Need X ether traffic monitor

melvin@cgdisis.cgd.ucar.edu (10/31/90)

I would like to know if there are any X applications floating around
that are similar to SunView's 'traffic' program -- i.e., that monitor
ethernet traffic graphically.

I've already assembled a few ASCII based programs, and recently I put
together xmeter, but they aren't quite what I want.  I need more 
information on the ether load of our file servers so that I can 
determine which ones to attach new sparcs to, as well as to help
me track down ether-related problems that arise.

	- Lee

        Lee Melvin | ImntCiees hsral os' enmc om! | Just in case you       
        CGD / NCAR | ' o hns oti elydentma uht e  | hadn't heard....
    DISCLAIMER:  I'm not a scientist, they just let me play with the Y-MP