[comp.windows.x] EPUSP/IEEE Journey on High Performance Computing Systems

casimiro@vme131.UUCP (Casimiro Barreto) (11/01/90)

THE EPUSP/IEEE Journey on High Performance Computing Systems has suffered
some changes in schedule !!!

		EPUSP/IEEE Journey on High Performance
			Computing Systems

		   Sao Paulo, 24/28 March, 1991

The Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo and the IEEE (Institute
of the Electrical and Electronic Engineers - Section South Brasil) are
organizing the first Journey EPUSP/IEEE on High Performance Computing
Systems, with the objective of integrating researchers, engineers, professionals
and students in the area of High Performance Systems.

The Subjects of the Journey will be, among others,

	- Arquitetures,
	- Algorithms,
	- Analise and Modelling,
	- Languages and Compilers,
	- Parallel Processing,
	- Distributed Processing,
	- Interconection Networks,
	- Neural and Neuronal Networks,
	- Operating Systems
	- Artificial Intelligence Applied to Supercomputing,
	- Applications.

The Journey will be constituted of invited researchers lectures, papers and
tutorials presentation and equipament and software exhibit. There will also
be advanced courses given by invited researchers.

			Call For Papers

The Organizing Comission will accept works on the proposed themes. The authors
must send five (5) copies of their work in Portuguese or English, three (3)
of them without the author(s) identification. The works mus not exceed 15 pages
in A4 paper 29.7x21cm, 2.4cm lateral margins, 3.5cm upper margin and 2cm botton
margin. After approval, the author, if necessary, will have to send a revised
copy to be included in the procceedings. The evaluation will be done by
researchers of several Brazilian research institutes.

There will be a section dedicated to works in supercomputing that are under
development in Brazil.

Works must be posted until:		Dec. 14, 1990.
Acceptance notification until:		Feb. 04, 1991.
Revised works must be posted until:	Feb. 25, 1991.


You must get information writting to:

	Coordenacao de Eventos da EPUSP
	Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 2373
	05508 - Sao Paulo - SP - BRASIL
	ACC: Marina Madeira

You may also phone to:

	Casimiro de Almeida Barreto,
	Marcelo Knorich Zuffo,
	Liria Matsumoto Sato,
	Edson Toshimi Midorikawa
	+55 11 211-4574

Or FAX to the same people at:

	+55 11 815-4272
	Addressing to: Laboratorio de Sistemas Integraveis EPUSP/DEE

Finally, you may get info sending your E-Mail to:


			Event Organization:

Laboratorio de Sistemas Integraveis (LSI)
Escola Politenica da Universidade de Sao Paulo
Dept. Engenharia de Eletricidade

Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, trav. 3, 158
05508 - Sao Paulo - SP BRASIL

At: Prof. Dr. Joao Antonio Zuffo ou Profa. Dra. Liria Matsumoto Sato
Tel: +55 11 211-4574
FAX: +55 11 815-4272

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