[comp.windows.x] Overhead of X-based GUI's

andrew@epps.kodak.com (Andrew Lukasik) (11/02/90)

I'm looking for 'cost' infomation regarding motif and X-toolkits 
in general.

By 'Cost' I mean "what are memory and performance overheads for 
using GUI's ?"

Anyone know of any information or studies done on this topic?

Andrew Lukasik

meo@rsiatl.UUCP (Miles ONeal) (11/04/90)

andrew@epps.kodak.com (Andrew Lukasik) writes:

>I'm looking for 'cost' infomation regarding motif and X-toolkits 
>in general.
>By 'Cost' I mean "what are memory and performance overheads for 
>using GUI's ?"

The following is for Xt-based toolkit{ such as Xaw, Motif, etc.

From fairly extensive experience, I would say about 1/4 to 2
MB, depending on the complexity of the application, the quality
of compiler you have, etc. (Of course the top end is wide open;
I'm talking typical). That's the client side. The server (which
may, of course, be the same system) will probably use something
in the same neighborhood.

I can't really quote performance stats - I can say that a 50000+
line app that was GUI-intensive pretty much hogged a 4 MIPS Sun 386i
with 12 MB.

On the other hand that particular app made it possible for a
temp to do in 3 days what had formerly taken highly trained
personnel 2-3 weeks to do. The cost of a 12MB Sun quickly
paled beside the productivity increase.

Miles O'Neal
{uunet | emory}!rsiatl!meo (home)
meo@sware.com              (work)
{uunet | emory}!sware!meo  (work)