[comp.windows.x] Keybinding problem on OWR2

km@mathcs.emory.edu (Ken Mandelberg) (11/08/90)

I'm having a problem getting my keybinding right on OWR2 on a SS1.
I want the backspace and delete key to both generate a delete
under all circumstances. 

Initially xmodmap -pk tells me:

	 50         0xff08 (BackSpace)

then after I do a 

	xmodmap -e "keysym  BackSpace = Delete"

it becomes:

	 50         0xffff (Delete)

Which looks correct. However, when I run a terminal oriented
program I get ^H when I hit the backspace key. Its easy to miss
this since anything xview based treats BS and DEL the same

Any ideas?

By the way is there a program around that prints out keycodes
while you press keys?
Ken Mandelberg      | km@mathcs.emory.edu          PREFERRED
Emory University    | {rutgers,gatech}!emory!km    UUCP 
Dept of Math and CS | km@emory.bitnet              NON-DOMAIN BITNET  
Atlanta, GA 30322   | Phone: (404) 727-7963

mouse@LARRY.MCRCIM.MCGILL.EDU (11/10/90)

> I'm having a problem getting my keybinding right on OWR2 on a SS1.  I
> want the backspace and delete key to both generate a delete under all
> circumstances.

> Initially xmodmap -pk tells me:
> 	 50         0xff08 (BackSpace)
> then after I do a 
> 	xmodmap -e "keysym  BackSpace = Delete"
> it becomes:
> 	 50         0xffff (Delete)

That looks fine, yes.

> Which looks correct.  However, when I run a terminal oriented program
> I get ^H when I hit the backspace key.


One possibility is that there's more than one keycode that's set to
BackSpace, and you changed the wrong one.  Look through xmodmap -pk
output for other BackSpace keysyms.  If that's not it, something
strange is wrong.  Does xmodmap -pk still report that it's a Delete?
If so, the program is doing something seriously wrong; it must be
looking at the keycodes, which it is not supposed to do.  Check with
xev (see below) and make sure that it really is set to Delete....

> By the way is there a program around that prints out keycodes while
> you press keys?

xev will do this.  Run xev, give it focus (put the mouse in it,
typically) and type at it.  On xev's standard output you will get
(among many other things) descriptions of the keys pressed in terms of
keycodes, keysyms, and strings returned by XLookupString().

					der Mouse

			old: mcgill-vision!mouse
			new: mouse@larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu