[comp.windows.x] Bitmap => XImage => Widget

gt2245a@prism.gatech.EDU (KUAI, WENMING) (11/12/90)

The following is a short program that was expected to show a bitmap
               o-----------o           -o     ------     o/
                          /              \                \
                      /                        /
                    /                         /
                  o                        -o

The left is what I created using bitmap, but the right is what I actually
get(sort of). Could someone out there please give me some advice as what 
my mistake is? Your help will be greatly appreciated.


P.S. simplenet is a file containing an array of bits representing
     the image(100x100). 

#define  BYTES_PER_LINE 13
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <Xw/Xw.h>
#include <Xw/SRaster.h>
#include <Xw/RCManager.h>
#include "simplenet"

main(argc, argv)
     int   argc;
     char *argv[];
  Widget    toplevel, welcome, demo, options;
  Arg       wargs[1];
  char     *message; 
  XImage   *image;

  toplevel = XtInitialize(argv[0], "NNGinit", NULL, 0, &argc, argv);

  image = XCreateImage(XtDisplay(toplevel), 
                       1, XYBitmap, 0, image_bits, image_width, 
                       image_height, 8, BYTES_PER_LINE); 

  XtSetArg(wargs[0], XtNsRimage, image);

  XtCreateManagedWidget("Demo", XwsrasterWidgetClass, toplevel, wargs, 1);


etaylor@wilkins.iaims.bcm.tmc.edu (Eric Taylor) (11/12/90)

First of all,
	why are you specifying bytes_per_line?  If you use 0,
		then the correct value is used.  Otherwise,
		you should be using the equation :
			(image_width + 7) / 8.

	But this is not the problem since 13 is the correct value.

Second of all,
	I am pretty sure that you have to change the image structure
	members bitmap_bit_order and byte_order to LSBFirst.
	Look at documentation for XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData in
	O'Reilly's book. 
					Eric Taylor
					Baylor College of Medicine
					(713) 798-3776