[comp.windows.x] LaTeX previewer in X?

bo@hubcap.clemson.edu (Bo Slaughter) (11/13/90)

Hi guys.

I'm looking for a LaTeX previewer that will work with X-Windows
(OpenWindows).  If anyone knows where I can find one, It would be
greatly appreciated.

Bo Slaughter
|  Bo Slaughter                bo@gumby.eng.clemson.edu        |
|    (803)656-2721         "I'm gumby.eng.clemson.edu dammit." |

rwberry@hubcap.clemson.edu (Robert W Berry) (11/13/90)


You might try one of the following (all available via anonymous ftp at
uunet.uu.net in the X/contrib directory.)

	pageview (If you convert your .dvi file to a postscript file first.)

Hope this helps, (tm)

-=- Bob Berry -=- PC-Guru's Inc.         ! rwberry@hubcap.clemson.edu   -=-
-=- Teach them quick, before they think. ! 803-654-7623 || 803-656-2635 -=-

yakker@ucrmath.ucr.edu (matt robinson) (11/17/90)

rwberry@hubcap.clemson.edu (Robert W Berry) writes:
->You might try one of the following (all available via anonymous ftp at
->uunet.uu.net in the X/contrib directory.)
->	xdvi
->	texx
->	xtex
->	pageview (If you convert your .dvi file to a postscript file first.)
->Hope this helps, (tm)
->-=- Bob Berry -=- PC-Guru's Inc.         ! rwberry@hubcap.clemson.edu   -=-
->-=- Teach them quick, before they think. ! 803-654-7623 || 803-656-2635 -=-

Well, since we are on the subject of previewers, I would like to ask a 
few questions, all of which seem to be rather confusing.  

I'm trying to create a document in LaTeX, which will include a PostScript
file within the document.  Now, when I set up the document, I type in:

% Now add a PostScript file...
% Done adding Postscript file...

Now, after typing in my entire document properly, I send my file through
LaTex by:

ucrmath% latex myfile.tex

And then I print out the file with:

ucrmath% dvi2ps myfile.dvi | lpr -Plw 

All of which works perfectly fine.

Now the problem.  Say, I want to preview this file, with both the 
LaTeX materials, and the PostScript image in the .dvi file.  None of the
.dvi files can load up the image, and when converted to PostScript, 
neither xps or PageView can handle the file (PageView chokes when trying
to view an additional page by allowing only one page, and puts all of
the text UPSIDE DOWN, over the image!  xps cannot even get the image onto
the screen.)  My guess is that the dvi2ps program is only including my
PostScript file into its output, and not really incorporating the image
with the rest of the document.  Am I wrong, or is something else going
on with LaTeX, dvi2ps, and {pageview|xps}?

Just curious, as I would love to hear from anyone who has gotten anything
similar to this working, or knows of a viewer (public domain) that can
handle this type of functionality.  Thanks for your time, people!


Matt D. Robinson                             ".....if I only had a brain....."
Systems Programming Group, UC Riverside      Internet:  yakker@ucrmath.ucr.edu