[comp.windows.x] Help w/ Tgif 1.19

randy@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu (Longshot) (11/21/90)

I just compiled and installed Tgif v1.19. I was wondering if I am missing
some point in the documentation. I installed all the sample stuff, including
the entire spice sub-directory, in the library directory compiled in as 
TGIF_PATH. However, I cannot seem to change directory within the ^I command.
I thought perhaps just typing a path rather than trying to point and click
would work, but no. Also, when I type ^I in a directory with no .sym files,
Tgif does a panic save and quits.

Randy J. Ray       University of Oklahoma, Norman Campus	(405)/325-5370
!chinet!uokmax!randy	randy@uokmax.uucp    randy@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu
"He's not afraid of the judgement. He knows of horrors worse than your Hell."