[comp.windows.x] Xview on Convex C-220

kens@JARGON.WHOI.EDU (Ken Stewart) (11/22/90)

===============================Begin bug report===============================
Category:          xview
Subcategory:       all
Bug/Rfe:           bug ?
Synopsis:          XView error: Unable to find OPEN LOOK cursor font
Severity:          5
Priority:	   Critical for integration of Convex with Sun environment.
		   Information appreciated.
Description:	   Trying to port XView to Convex using MIT R4. Compiled
		   with several warnings but successful make. Made clients
		   (e.g., textedit) and linked without warnings. On execution,
		   get run-time messages:

XView warning: Cannot load font '-sun-open look cursor------*-*-*-*-*-*-*' (Font package)
XView error: Unable to find OPEN LOOK cursor font (Cursor package)
program exited with code 1

		   The remote server is on a Sun 4/370 running OpenWindows.
		   Other Xlib clients run on the Convex with no problems.
		   The messages imply to me that there is a communications
	   	   problem between XView client and server, or an internal
		   error in the XView library routines. I assume that
		   XView is not trying to access fonts on the client side.
		   If that is the case, are the fonts required to be in a
		   specific directory, or how can I point XView to the right
		   font path? The FONTPATH environment variable doesn't seem 
		   to have any effect.

Work around:	   None known
Suggested fix:	   None known
Comments:      	   Any information would be appreciated 
Called in by:	   Ken Stewart
   Customer:	   Ken Stewart
     Company:      Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
     Employee:     Ken Stewart
     Contact:      kens@jargon.whoi.edu
     Phone #:      (508) 457-2000 ext. 2644
     Release #:    X V11 R4 XView / CXWindows 2.1 / OpenWindows 2.0
     Hardware:     Convex C-220 / SparcStation 370
     O/S:          ConvexOS 8.1 (Unix) / SunOS 4.0.3
     Server:       OpenWindows
     Server vers:  2.0
     WindowMmgr:   OLWM
     Other:        Server environment is unadulterated OpenWindows 2.0. The
		   Convex X environment is CXWindows 2.1. The only non-stock
		   item is the MIT R4 XView library (and include files).
		   Have also tried X servers on a SparcServer 390 and 
		   SparcStation 1+, both running SunOS 4.1, with the same 

============================End of bug report==================================