[comp.windows.x] sticky problem with tvtwm's sticky window

ik@laic.UUCP (Ik Su Yoo) (11/28/90)

First of all, thank for patch 4.

I have my VirtualDesktop set up to be 4X to size of the physical
       1     2
  1 |     |     |
  2 |     |     |

When I'm in a cell other than in (1, 1) and iconify a sticky window, I
no longer can access it. Any ideas? Thanks for any insight.

|  Ik Su Yoo                                 |  Office: (415) 354-5584        |
|  Scientist @ Lockheed AI Center            |  Fax:    (415) 354-5235        |
|  Orgn. 96-20, Bldg. 259, 3251 Hanover St.  |  E-mail: ik@laic.lockheed.com  |
|  Palo Alto, CA  94304-1191                 |          ...!leadsv!laic!ik    |