[comp.windows.x] New Japanese X11 fonts

mleisher@nmsu.edu (Mark Leisher) (12/04/90)

crl.nmsu.edu: pub/japanese/ []

Now available by anonymous ftp from the above site and directory
in file japanese-fonts-new.tar are:


Contained in japanese-fonts-new.tar are:

Size   File Name               Short Description
384    13x26.alias             13x26 fixed font aliases
8806   13x26.bdf.Z             13x26 fixed ISO 8859-1 font
8094   13x26rk.bdf.Z           13x26 fixed JIS X0201 font
461    kanji24.alias           kanji24 (24x24) font aliases
488773 kanji24.bdf.Z           kanji24 (24x24) JIS X0208 font
461    kanji26.alias           kanji26 (26x26) font aliases
488305 kanji26.bdf.Z           kanji26 (26x26) JIS X0208 font
3051   patches                 Patches to Imakefile and README.japanese-fonts


1. X11R4 already comes with a 12x24.bdf and 12x24rk.bdf.  These are
   not supplied.

2. To unpack japanese-fonts-new.tar:

   Make a directory to hold the fonts and cd to that directory

   To extract all files into the current directory:

      "tar xvf japanese-fonts-new.tar"

   To extract a single file into the current directory:

      "tar xvf japanese-fonts-new.tar kanji24.bdf.Z"

   To uncompress all fonts in the current directory:

      "uncompress *.Z"

   To uncompress a single font in the current directory:

      "uncompress kanji24.bdf.Z"

3. Don't forget to transfer in binary mode!


Mark Leisher
Computing Research Lab
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM

Internet: mleisher@nmsu.edu
Bitnet  : mleisher@nmsu.bitnet