[comp.windows.x] Automated software testing tools

rabbit@houvmscc.iinus1.ibm.COM (12/04/90)

I am working on the design of the Space Station Control Center for NASA.

We are trying to figure out how much it is going
to take to check out the software being written before it is delivered.

Does anyone know of any tools to check out and test Xwindows software?

Are there any commercially available tools that can be used?

Any body have estimates for amount of time to test code before delivery?

On the leading edge,
yet somewhat rusty.

Bill Kossack (rabbit@houvmscc.iinus1.ibm.com)

price@Sun.COM (Chuck Price) (12/05/90)

In article <9012032209.AA11004@expo.lcs.mit.edu>, rabbit@houvmscc.iinus1.ibm.COM writes:
|> I am working on the design of the Space Station Control Center for NASA.
|> We are trying to figure out how much it is going
|> to take to check out the software being written before it is delivered.
|> Does anyone know of any tools to check out and test Xwindows software?
|> Are there any commercially available tools that can be used?
|> Any body have estimates for amount of time to test code before delivery?
|> On the leading edge,
|> yet somewhat rusty.
|> Bill Kossack (rabbit@houvmscc.iinus1.ibm.com)

I can see it now:

DAVE: Open the pod bay doors, Hal.

HAL: I'm sorry, Dave, but FrameMaker currently has it grabbed. If you
     wait, I'm sure it will time out eventually.

DAVE: I can't wait. Open a channel to Houston. We need to figure out a solution
     to this.

HAL: I'm sorry, Dave. I just exceeded server resources. In order to meet your
     request, I have killed the life support application.


HAL: Dave?
