[comp.windows.x] XView 2.0 resource names

chrisp@bilby.cs.uwa.oz.au (Christopher Pudney) (12/07/90)


	How does one specify the resource name of an XView 2.0 application?
Currently my application (let's call it xknobend) ignores any default Xview
resource values I specify in my ~/.Xdefaults file.  For example if I 
include the following line in my ~/.Xdefaults file:

xknobend.window.color.foreground:	salmon

My application chooses to ignore this and use the default black foreground, 
however, if I include the line:

*window.color.foreground:	salmon

My application decides it will be a salmon coloured thing.  It occurs to me 
that the application's resource name is not xknobend.  How do I set the
resource name in Xview 2.0 - that is which attribute do I set?  I've tried
XV_NAME but didn't get the desired result.  I have also tried setting
XA_WM_CLASS of the baseframe window using XSetClassHint but this didn't
work either.

Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.
Chris Pudney 

Department  of  Computer  Science,    PHONE: (local: 09) (int'l: +61 9) 380 3455
University  of Western  Australia,   
Nedlands, Western AUSTRALIA, 6009.    FAX:   (local: 09) (int'l: +61 9) 382 1688 
E-MAIL:  chrisp@cs.uwa.oz.au
Chris Pudney 

Department  of  Computer  Science,    PHONE: (local: 09) (int'l: +61 9) 380 3455