[comp.windows.x] Publicly traded X companies again!

lombardo@taurus.cs.nps.navy.mil (charles lombardo) (12/08/90)

Thanks for the responses to my first post.

What I really had in mind was companies that specialize or at least take
part in writing applications to run on X.  An example might be Frame Technology
(i.e. Framemaker) except as far as I know Frame Tech is privately held.

Any ideas/comments?

Thanks in advance

| Charles P. Lombardo			|           lombardo@cs.nps.navy.mil |
| Computer Science Department		|		 voice: 408-646-2102 |
| Naval Postgraduate School		|		 fax:   408-646-2814 |

barnick@acadia.Kodak.COM (William M Barnick x73638) (12/08/90)

In article <1762@taurus.cs.nps.navy.mil> lombardo@taurus.cs.nps.navy.mil () writes:
>Thanks for the responses to my first post.
>What I really had in mind was companies that specialize or at least take
>part in writing applications to run on X.  An example might be Frame Technology
>(i.e. Framemaker) except as far as I know Frame Tech is privately held.

.... Island Graphics (not known if public)
.... Lotus
.... Saber Software (not known if public)
.... Century Software (not known if public)
.... Eastman Kodak (via Interactive Systems)

I got these by simply flipping through a SunTech Journal.  Probably the
Sun Catalyst could give you more.

See Ya ...