[comp.windows.x] Audience projection/VCR rec'ding X-sessions?

vjcarey@SPHUNIX.SPH.JHU.EDU (Vincent J. Carey) (12/11/90)

I have Sparcstations, Vaxstations, and DECstations,
all running X11.  I would like to bring images of
dynamic graphics applications into large classrooms.
The images can be produced in real time in front
of the classroom, or can be produced in advance,
and shown to the class via video tape.  I would
prefer the real-time interactive display.

I contacted DEC sales, and they could identify no
equipment that would bridge from the workstation
to Sharp QA75 dataviewer without a $20000 A/V compression
device.  The head of instructional television here
said I should get the X images going through a PC
and then get the dataviewer hooked up to that PC.

I am ignorant of video technology, and little more than
an X windows consumer trying to spread some knowledge
about the availability of dynamic graphics tools
for statistical data analysis.

I would appreciate hearing from X11 users about methods
for projecting dynamic graphics running in X11 to
an audience or routing the graphics data to a VCR.
I will summarize information on methods, equipment,
and pricing -- if I get any!  If it is true that the
best way to go is through a PC, I would appreciate
extreme detail on this option.

Thank you.

Vincent J. Carey
Department of Biostatistics
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
