[comp.windows.x] XDM on the Cray

dob@INEL.GOV (David Brooks) (12/18/90)

Fellow Netters:

does anyone have any experience, or pointers, about getting xdm up on the
Cray?  We have an X-MP running Unicos 5.1.  i realize that getudb needs to
be used, rather than getpwname, etc.

i can mail more specific info, if that is needed.

Thanks (A LOT) in advance, for those who can help!

David L. Brooks
Idaho National Engineering Lab.  INTERNET: dob@INEL.GOV
POB 1625 MS 2603                 Phone: (208) 526-0826
Idaho Falls, Id. 83415		 FAX:   (208) 526-9936