[net.news] The death of the news

pwd@pid.UUCP (Philip W. Dalrymple) (09/07/85)


There has been a lot of talk on the net about how it is about to die
including some numbers which seem to be just cause for worry.  As I
see it there are four problem which are showing up. Phone time to
transmit the news, storage space for the news,  improper use of the 
news system and too many new groups.  I do not understand all of the
problems with the number of new groups therefor I will not comment on 
them.  The problem with people is a matter which I will never understand
(I am an engineer not a doctor :-)  ).

First the problem of Phone time right now I think that most of the news
links are run at 1200 baud which gives about a 5 hour total news feed.
If a link is run at 9600 baud the time it takes to run a news feed drops
to the time it took when there was less than 0.5 meg of news feed.  This
is the least I will be using when we set up our first long distance link
in January.  In the long run it seems that the modem manufactures will
keep ahead of the net's need for commumaction speed for at least a few

The harder problem at least to my mind is the problem of storage space.
(I have expire set to 4 days for this very reason) There has been one
sugestion on the net that low readership groups be made mailing lists
with the news software expanded to allow the transmition by either the
current method or a newslist system.  This idea seams to be a good one
but will take a long time to put into place and will still have to be
installed on system as a new version of the software.  Another thing
that could be done is to allow the sa at a site to know what newsgroups
are being read and expire all of those groups not on anyones list at once.
This would have the advantage of being a program which can stand by itself
without a new relase of the news software.  I may just have talked myself
into a job.

Philip Dalrymple
404/429-8266 (voice)