[comp.windows.x] Give me a hand for XTANK-3D animation

rocky@polyof.poly.edu (A1 rocky shiotsuki (staff) ) (01/01/91)

    Hi everyone!

    I'm hooked on xtank program since I made it works on my (well,
it's belong to my school but I'm the one's administrator) HP 9000
Series 400 workstation three weeks ago.  It's a great program and
it's a big (consider it's a public domain game program) to be many
feature in it, but I want more..., like a 3D animation.
    So, I start hacking code Dec. 22, 1990, just a few days ago.
Since our school is closed for work, I'm free until Jan 2, 1991.

        A Happy New Year!!!

I have had come to school everyday and working 10am to 6pm full-time
for xtank 3D animation. Well, I'm new to Xwindow programming, and am
new to xtank. It's a hard work, believe me.
    So far the 3D prospective maze wall display on animation window
is working, and I can move and turn around in the 3D screen with
keyboard and mouse pointer control, so major part (I think) of 3D
calculation is done, except 3D cliping.
It's a acceptable speed for one terminal, but need more work as follow:
    a.  Need 3D figure for the vehicles, they are more than ten.
    b.  Need 3D figure for bulets.
    c.  Need 3D figure for explosion.
    d.  Need 3D figure for the landmarks.
    e.  Need better algorithm for 3D cliping, not to draw behind a wall.
    f.  Need to improve speed for 3D drawing.
    g.  Need to improve speed for other part of xtank, make them integer,
        short or long, operation instead of floating point.
    h.  etc, etc, ....
I know it needs too many things to be done, but if we can make part of
list, item a., b., c., and d (and maybe e), xtank will be very exciting
game. It's become true simulation, 3-D animation, and BIG fun.
    I'm working on part of a. and continue to work b. and c.  I hope I
can introduce XTANK in THE 3D, in end of January 1991.
    So, if anyone can give me a hand to designe 3D figure for vehicles,
and landmarks, and other things, I will be happy to work with you.
    Please send me a E-mail to  rocky@puscs.poly.edu (
But, don't send me an idea how it should be, I need a true work forces.

    I modified xtank version xtank.1.2f.tar.Z.

    Thank you,  Have a nice day....

Rocky Shiotsuki				Internet: rocky@puscs.poly.edu
Systems Programmer
Polytechnic University
333 Jay Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201