[comp.windows.x] XView on DS 5000

marwan@ee.su.oz.au (Marwan A. Jabri, Sydney Univ. Elec. Eng., Tel: (+61-2) 692 2240) (01/04/91)

I am trying to compile xview2 on a DEC Station 5000 and running into many
problems. I am aware of the changes to get X11 R4 compiled on ultrix 4.0,
and seeking advice whether patches to xview2 are available, whether it is
a lost cause to compile xview under Untrix, etc...

Thanks in advance,

Marwan Jabri
Marwan Jabri, PhD			  Email: marwan@ee.su.oz.au
Systems Engineering and Design Automation     Tel: (+61-2) 692-2240
  Laboratory (SEDAL)		 	      Fax: (+61-2) 692-3847