jpfo@mbunix.mitre.ORG (Otin) (01/08/91)
xpert readers, looking for other network implementations of the X Window System other than Ethernet with TCP/IP or DECnet, or Chaos. Looking for FDDI, ULTRAnet and other faster network tecnology drivers for X. Thanx for help. jp Jean-Paul Otin MITRE Corporation M/S K321 Burlington Road Bedford, Mass. 01730 617/271-2314
bob@MorningStar.Com (Bob Sutterfield) (01/09/91)
In article <> jpfo@mbunix.mitre.ORG (Otin) writes:
looking for other network implementations of the X Window System
other than Ethernet with TCP/IP or DECnet, or Chaos. Looking for
FDDI, ULTRAnet and other faster network tecnology drivers for X.
If you run IP over your FDDI or ULTRAnet or Proteon or IBM token ring
or X.25 virtual circuit or microwave/satellite channel (or whatever),
then you can open a TCP connection across that "faster technology
network", and you can run X clients across it. X doesn't care what
color the underlying wires are or how fast they shuffle bits, it just
sees a reliable sequenced byte stream, whether TCP or DECnet or
whatever. That's the beauty of network layering.