[comp.windows.x] ``Popup'' windows

lear@turbo.bio.net (Eliot) (01/14/91)

Alright.  I'm stumped.

I'd like to be able to create a dialog box(*) to ask the user, ``Do
you really want to do this?''  I want this LITTLE box to be placed
right smack in the middle of the BIG application window(**), and I
DON'T want my window manager to be able to access it apart from the
original shell widget.

After indexing and reading through the Athena widget set, the Xt
Intrinsics manual, and Young's OSF/Motif edition (excluding motif
mechanisms), I've tried the following, none of which seem to work (so
please don't suggest them):

o	Using the PopUp mechanism with a transient or top level shell
	widget.  This (a) dissociates my box from the rest of my
	application and (b) allows the window manager to get involved.

o	Creating a form widget under the main application shell
	widget.  This caused my LITTLE dialog box to expand to the
	size of my BIG application window AND my BIG application
	window to be completely eclipsed by my LITTLE dialog box.
	[I also tried futzing with XawFormDoLayout(), to no avail.]

I notice that neither Xman nor XCalendar do what I want in this
situation, either.  Andrew and Interviews are apparently using their
own mechanisms for such things.  Thus it would appear to me that the
Athena form widget does not understand the concept of overlapping
windows, which is what I really want.  Moreover, it would appear that
the Xt Intrinsics do not deal with opaque vs. transparent objects
(something that would solve this problem), or ``stacking order'' as
Young called it when he explained display of windows through the
window manager.   I'm not saying that it is necessary to attack the
problem in any one way, but it is necessary to attack the problem ;-)
(*) Not to be confused with the Dialog widget, though it could be
implemented using that if you know of a way (I haven't had any success
with the form widget, so I would expect much out of the dialog).

(**) Which is to say that when my application window unmaps/iconifies,
my little box should follow it wherever it goes.
Eliot Lear