[comp.windows.x] Getting xdm to restart terminals

alp@ghp.UUCP (Al Parker) (01/24/91)

Greetings all,

I am trying to start xdm from my inittab such that it automatically
starts up connected X-terminals.
I have it working fine until an X-terminal goes down (power-off)
in which case the xdm child assigned to that X-terminal never realizes
that its autorization widget has disappeared.
How do I make xdm aware that the terminal has gone down and come back ?
The X-terminal in question is an HDS by the way and I don't think
it supports XDMCP but it does work perfectly unless reset.

Thanks in advance, AlP :')
| Al Parker P.Eng, Senior Consultant with Gellman,Hayward & Partners Ltd      |
| 33 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5E 1G4        Voice: (416)862-0430 |
| UUCP:alp%ghp@mnetor.uucp                                                    |