(Natural Resources Commission) (01/26/91)
Hi: Is there anyone has sucessfully built X11R4 on 6386 under AT&T Sys-V, Release 3.2.3 ? I got serval problems . I just loaded tape 1 ( core ) and at the top of the tree, start at command: # make BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS=-Datt World >& & ( under C shell and superuser ) After done , the log file contains errors like: 1) fd_set undefined; ( in the file ./mit/clients/xmh/commands.c ) 2) Can't find header file: /interlan/netdb.h; /interlan/in.h /interlan/il_types.h /interlan/socket.h ( I have checked that AT&T System V R3.2.3 dosen't have such kinds of header files . by the way , the C compiler is 4.1.5 version ) 3) lots warnings look like: "Geometry.c" , line 77 : warning: illegal structure pointer combination, op = 4) Make error: Make: Don't know how to make ../../.lib/Xmu/libXmu.a. Stop. .... Is there any can help me to configue the files in ./config and the file ? ( I did not change anything in these files and just keep the orignal and run it under command make World ) Thank in advance. Email: (or include your phone No. I will call for help )