[comp.windows.x] blinking submenus in TWM

phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Phil Howard KA9WGN) (02/05/91)

When I am using submenus in TWM, it has a nasty habit of flashing up the next
menu, dropping it again, then putting it back up.  The trouble is that my
pointer may have been moved over the menu, and the underlying parent menu
may be activated instead at the wrong item.

I have found that the following seems to be the cause.  When I am on an item
which has a submenu, I move the pointer over to the right to select the
submenu.  I have to move past the half-way point to the right to activate
the submenu.  If the point first moves into the lower half of the right
have and then on into the upper half of the right half, this will cause
the blinking menu.  The appears to be because the submenu will be aligned
to overlap the lower-right quarter of the item line of the parent menu.

    |                                | (2)                            |
    | (1)                            +--------------------------------+
    |                                | (3) This area is overlapped    |

Areas 2 and 3 are distinct active areas because of the fact that the submenu
overlaps only area 3.  Thus what TWM apparently sees is the pointer moving
first from 1 to 3, then from 3 to 2, and it acts on each separately.

It would be nice if it would simply NOT take any action affecting the submenu
when the pointer moves from 3 to 2.

I use a rather small font for my menus because of the fact that many of my
menus are very large and numerous.  I have the entire tree of USENET newsgroup
names reachable by the menus, for instance.

Does anyone know of anything I can do to TWM to fix this?

Should this be reported as a "bug" or "misfeature"?

--Phil Howard, KA9WGN-- | Individual CHOICE is fundamental to a free society
<phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> | no matter what the particular issue is all about.