lear@topaz.RUTGERS.EDU (eliot lear) (10/28/85)
Please note the subject of this article and then note its content. > /***** orstcs:net.startrek / tilt!kyrimis / 6:44 pm Oct 18, 1985*/ > they were using lasers, when did phasers come to being? what does > "phaser" stand for?) > Kriton (princeton!tilt!kyrimis) > /* ---------- */ > > ``Phaser'' comes from the idea of PHASing EneRgy -- these weapons supposedly > emit large quantities of energy that interfere with normal energy ... WHAT IN THE WORLD does this have to do with the subject of the article, ``Re: It's back on Channel 11, NY''? -- The opinions expressed above reflect no one's opinion save my own and are so unique, they should be copyrighted! [lear@topaz.rutgers.edu] [{allegra,seismo}!topaz!lear]