craig@dcl-cs.UUCP (Craig Wylie) (10/30/85)
There have been some recent postings in and that have been verging on shouting matches. It is, unfortunately, true that Europeans are feeling a little threatened by the US at the moment and now doubt the US is feeling a little bit put out with the resultant attitude (we may be small but we're better/more civilised/smarter/ ....... ad nauseam. There is no need to scream at each other in such a racist way, and I call USING CAPITAL LETTERS when there is no need to (ie the keyboard has a set of lower case letters :-}) screaming. I myself am in favour of the concept of net.internat (or whatever name you want) but -- it was created illegaly and we must therefore respect the rules. Initially I wasn't so sure of this but now I'm convinced. The rules state that there must be a resonable level of postings on the subject -- and I expect that this does not include postings screaming about anarchy and facism. If you have something to say then say it, so long as we all agree about where to put it for the time being then it is quite unimportant which news group it is in. We know that people are interested in reading it but are there enough people interested in writing for it ? Without doubt there has to be some forum for new ideas. Net.internat was a good, new idea, and has obviously stimulated a large number of people into thinking. Unfortunately net.internat was about one of the subjects that Europeans (I can't speak for anywhere else) think that the US is least aware. It's removal was like shaking a red flag at europe, or so it seemed to some of us over here. It's time to comply with the rules, if you have something to say then say it here, we now all know that there are many potential readers of net.internat -- let's write something to read. In a strange way net.internat has created (creat -ed ?) rifts rather than healing them. If we are so civilised ... (see above) then we should certainly not be racist (anti-US) let's prove it. And on the part of the US prove to us that you know that US != the known Universe (ie no more car/flat ads on this side of the Atlantic). Craig.