[net.news] mod.sources.mac, net.flame

moriarty@fluke.UUCP (Jeff Meyer) (11/01/85)

<He takes his heart in his hand and leaps...>

Two things:

1)  I have no objection to net.flame going to net.hell (or net.null --
    depends on you net.religion).

2)  I don't mind net.sources.mac being transformed into mod.sources.mac --
    but I would be distraught by its complete deletion.  Also, one of the
    things I agree most with is that if you're going to make suggestions,
    you should be willing to back 'em up. I am unable to be moderator of
    this proposed moderated group at this time; however, after August, 86,
    I'll take over if the moderator, at that time, would like to give it up
    (I thought I remembered seeing someone else volunteer).

That's it.  That's all.

                                "I'm going to have you wrapped in a U.S. 
                                 flag and burned personally by the President,
                                 in high octane American gasoline!"

                                        Moriarty, aka Jeff Meyer
ARPA: fluke!moriarty@uw-beaver.ARPA
UUCP: {uw-beaver, sun, allegra, sb6, lbl-csam}!fluke!moriarty
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