[comp.windows.x] XSelect

manny@se-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Manny Bagnas) (02/14/91)

Can anyone give me any information on the X11R3 function XSelect?

I am porting an application to R4 which makes several calls to this
function.  Unfortunately, XSelect is not defined in R4 Xlib.

I do not have access to the R3 source, and I can find no documentation 
whatsoever on this function.  _Any_ information you can give me about
XSelect would be most appreciated.

manny.bagnas@sandiego.ncr.com   | THE 90/90 LAW OF SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT:
Manny Bagnas                    | The first 90% of the task takes the first
NCR Corp, E&M San Diego         | 90% of the time, and the remain 10% takes the
                                | other 90%.