[comp.windows.x] xset bc from twm

barnes@TAURUS.CS.NPS.NAVY.MIL (patrick barnes) (02/15/91)

I'm trying to execute xlock from a twm menu:  I don't have the fixed xlock 
installed yet and use xset bc to get the old one to work. I put the
following in my .twmrc file :

menu  "Exec"  {
"Exec"                 f.title
"Lock Screen"          !"xlock bc;xlock -font lucidasans-italic-24 &"

The X server locked up with a timer cursor showing.  I rlogined from
another machine and killed the xset bc process and it worked ok.

I also tried

"Lock Screen"          f.function "Lock"

Function "Lock"
  !"xset bc"
  !"xlock -font lucidasans-italic-24 &"

..which gave the same results. xset bc doesn't hang when I execute it
from the command line, why from within twm?


	Capt Patrick D. Barnes, USAF  	barnes@cs.nps.navy.mil
	NPGSCOL/Code CS/Ba		(408) 646-2830
	Monterey, CA  93943		FAX (408) 646-2814