[comp.windows.x] X windows Color-Wheel?

uk1@spacsun.rice.edu (Paul A. Scowen) (02/22/91)


is there anywhere out there an X version of the "color wheel" standard in
Mac systems for color selection and definition in terms of RGB.  I know there's
a lengthy list of all the colors in rgb.txt but an interactive selection and
name definition tool would be useful.  Thanks.

-							  __________	      -
|	Paul A. Scowen					 / ___  ___ \ 	      |
-	Department of Space Physics and Astronomy	/ / @ \/ @ \ \        -
|	Rice University, Houston TX 77251	        \ \___/\___/ /\       |
-	(713) 527-8101 x2433, x3534			 \____\/____/||       -
|							 /     /\\\\\//       |
-	Internet:	uk1@spacsun.rice.edu		 |     |\\\\\\	      -
|			scowen@vega.rice.edu		  \      \\\\\\       |
-							   \______/\\\\	      -
|	Span:		RICE::SCOWEN			    _||_||_	      |
-							     -- --	      -