[comp.windows.x] bdftools update

mleisher@nmsu.edu (Mark Leisher) (02/25/91)

crl.nmsu.edu:pub/misc/bdftools.tar.Z  []
expo.lcs.mit.edu:contrib/bdftools.tar.Z  []

Version 1.4 of snftobdf is now available as part of bdftools.  The
sources have been posted to fj.sources on JUNET and should be
appearing shortly on comp.sources.x.  bdftools can be obtained by
anonymous ftp from the above addresses.
mleisher@nmsu.edu                      "I laughed.
Mark Leisher                                I cried.
Computing Research Lab                          I fell down.
New Mexico State University                        It changed my life."
Las Cruces, NM                     - Rich [Cowboy Feng's Space Bar and Grille]