jim@tiamat.fsc.com ( IT Manager) (02/22/91)
The man page for the SCO Xsight "xman" client program talks about a file named "mandesc" that can be used to customize the section names that appear in the xman section menu. Where does this file go? I've tried /usr/lib/X11/mandesc and $HOME/mandesc, and neither seem to work. Thanks. --jim ------------- James B. O'Connor jim@tiamat.fsc.com Ahlstrom Filtration, Inc. 615/821-4022 x. 651
kit@ics.COM (02/27/91)
> The man page for the SCO Xsight "xman" client program talks about > a file named "mandesc" that can be used to customize the section names > that appear in the xman section menu. > Where does this file go? Xman looks in each directory in your MANPATH for a file called 'mandesc' to describe what how to interpret the files in that manual directory. Chris D. Peterson Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. Net: kit@ics.com Phone: (617) 621 - 0060 Address: 201 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139