[comp.windows.x] What's curr ver of Xrn and request for patches

nelson@wrl.epi.com (Ken Nelson) (02/28/91)

What is the current version of Xrn?  I am running 6.13.

Are there any patches floating around?

Has anybody figured out to make Xrn figure out the default
distribution for an article you are posting.  Currently my default
is set to "world" posting, but for some DC area groups it should be
DC, and for company internal groups it should be "epi".  rn and 
postnews do this, so I thought their might be a patch floating around
to Xrn that adds this feature.



| Ken Nelson  (nelson@wrl.epi.com) | No thoughts today, sorry.	     | 
| Computer Systems Manager         |				     |
| Entropic Research Laboratory     |				     |	
| Washington, D.C.		   |				     |

jik@athena.mit.edu (Jonathan I. Kamens) (02/28/91)

  There are four versions of xrn in ~ftp/pub/xrn on shambhala.berkeley.edu:

-rw-r--r--  1 1244     wheel      274743 Aug 31  1990 xrn6-12-1.tar.Z
-rw-r--r--  1 1244     wheel      287887 Sep 29 13:35 xrn6-13.tar.Z
-rw-r--r--  1 1244     wheel      299592 Nov 17 16:02 xrn6-14.tar.Z
-rw-r--r--  1 1244     wheel      260191 Dec 22  1989 xrn6-4.tar.Z

The most recent version is xrn6-14.tar.Z, but I think it's a little bit buggy.
Xrn 6.15 is due to be out very soon, I believe.

  As for determining default distributions, it shouldn't matter -- if a
newsgroup is a local newsgroup, then it should only be distributed locally
automatically.  I suspect that postnews and rn figure out the distribution
just by taking the first component of the newsgroup to which you are posting,
which is a hack which shouldn't even work anymore, because it shouldn't be
necessary as long as newsfeeds are configured properly, but it still works for
for backward compatibility.

Jonathan Kamens			              USnail:
MIT Project Athena				11 Ashford Terrace
jik@Athena.MIT.EDU				Allston, MA  02134
Office: 617-253-8085			      Home: 617-782-0710