[comp.windows.x] SunView => X??

warner@intellistor.com (Dave Warner) (02/28/91)

I'm using an application purchased from a third party vendor that runs
only under SunView.  When I ask the vendor "When are you going to make
this available under X?", they reply "That's a biiiig job, send us
$300,000 (I'm not kidding) and we'll do it in six months or so."  In
my ignorance I reply "<expletives deleted>, there's got to be an
emulation library or some such thing that makes such an evolution
pretty easy."  Am I wrong?  If so, chastise me.  If not, please 
enlighten me with specifics.
Thanks, Dave
 | Dave Warner             | e-mail address: warner@intellistor.com  | 
 | Intellistor, Inc.       | USmail address: 2402 Clover Basin Dr.   | 
 | (303)682-6555           |                 Longmont, CO 80503      | 

warner@intellistor.com (Dave Warner) (03/06/91)

Thanks to all who replied with essentially the same answer, i.e. "Use
Sun's XView toolkit; it's pretty simple if the application is reasonably
well behaved and doesn't use pixrect."

I have taken the liberty of forwarding your replies to the offending
vendor as well as writing a letter for the president of my company to
sign stating that we may well disqualify their product from further
use if X is not available soon as well as telling one of their joint
development partners the same thing.

What else can a person do??

Thanks again, Dave
 | Dave Warner             | e-mail address: warner@intellistor.com  | 
 | Intellistor, Inc.       | USmail address: 2402 Clover Basin Dr.   | 
 | (303)682-6555           |                 Longmont, CO 80503      | 