[comp.windows.x] OpenWindows Application Performance


I have a Sparcstation 1+ running Sun Os 4.03 and Openwindow 2.0.

My feeling is that X-applications (and I mean applications which use the
X server part) are quite slow.

Applications which need to create DYNAMICALLY a lot of widgets (e.g 2
or 3 hundred) seem to spend a lot of time both in the toolkit
and in the server.

I would like to understand if the slowness is caused basically by the
server implementation  or is also due to the structure of the Xt

How the application performance degrades when the number of widgets to
create DINAMICALLY is great?

Is anyone willing to provide comments?

Thank you

   Andrea Baldi (abaldi@esoc.bitnet)

   European Space Agency (ESA)
   European Space Operations Center (ESOC)

   Robert-Bosch-Str 5
   D-6100 DARMSTADT Germany

   Phone 0049-6151-902762
   Fax   0049-6151-90-495  Tlx: 419453

victoria@hera.Sbi.Com (Victoria S. Drozdov) (03/07/91)

In article <91064.091157ABALDI@ESOC.BITNET>, ABALDI@ESOC.BITNET writes:
> I have a Sparcstation 1+ running Sun Os 4.03 and Openwindow 2.0.
> My feeling is that X-applications (and I mean applications which use the
> X server part) are quite slow.
> Applications which need to create DYNAMICALLY a lot of widgets (e.g 2
> or 3 hundred) seem to spend a lot of time both in the toolkit
> and in the server.
>    Andrea Baldi (abaldi@esoc.bitnet)

We just ran into a similar problem with Openwin on Sparc 1+.

We found that Openwin has a problem dealing with VisibilityNotify
events. Simply turning off the VisibilityChangeMask on all our
widgets/windows solved the problem. Try that one out.

          ===== FOR SALOMON EYES ONLY ======
Victoria S. Drozdov             Phone:  (212)747-7595
Fulcrum                         Email:   victoria@fulcrum.sbi.com
One New York Plaza, 43rd floor