[comp.windows.x] It works, but I get a warning.

mjs@behemoth.genetics.wisc.edu (Mike Schmelzer) (03/29/91)

I'm writing an application using Xaw, and have the following
entry in its resource file:

*chartForm*fromHoriz: buttonBox

chartForm is a Form widget and buttonBox is a Box widget. Both of
these widgets are children of topForm, a Form widget.

This resource entry works, i.e. the chartForm is placed to the right
of the buttonBox. Also if the entry isn't there, the buttonBox is
superimposed on the chartForm (undesired behavior). But when I start
the program, I get:

Warning: Cannot convert string "buttonBox" to type Widget

Which seems spurious to me, because somehow it works anyway. (I'm also
having trouble getting XawEdgeType's to actually work as advertised -
sometimes XawChainBottom works, sometimes it doesn't and the edge
behaves like XawRubber - but that's a question for another post.)

What's going on?
==== Mike Schmelzer, UW Genetix, mjs@genetics.wisc.edu, (608)263-7459. ===
========= Schmelzer's Law: You can have anything you don't want. =========
================ "How can hatred uplift a race?" - 3rd Bass ==============

converse@expo.lcs.mit.EDU (03/29/91)

	I'm writing an application using Xaw, and have the following
	entry in its resource file:

	*chartForm*fromHoriz: buttonBox

Which specifies that chartForm and every descendent of chartForm
should have it's fromHoriz constraint resource value set to buttonBox.

	chartForm is a Form widget and buttonBox is a Box widget. Both of
	these widgets are children of topForm, a Form widget.

	But when I start the program, I get:

	Warning: Cannot convert string "buttonBox" to type Widget

Try specifying it just for chartForm, not it's children
*chartForm.fromHoriz: buttonBox

Donna Converse