[comp.windows.x] Adding an XtNexpose callback to Athena Form Widget ????

npai@enuxha.eas.asu.edu (Navin Pai) (04/02/91)

Hi ,

I've been trying to use a Form Widget as a drawing canvas in a 3D modeling 
system. I need to update the Form Widget (redraw the perspective view of 3D 
object) every time there is an expose event for the window.

Apparently the Form widget supports only the XtNdestroyCallback list and not
any other (like XtNexposeCallback ??).


1.	How do I call my redraw() routine every time there is an expose event ?
	(I am working at the widget level and do not have my own event handling

2.	Is there a better widget to use for drawing (from the Athena set) ?

3.	Can I somehow modify XtMainloop() to grab only expose events for the
	specific window and process it? If so, how ? 

Any suggestions on the above would be highly appreciated....Since I am working
on X11 Release 3, and most people have probably figured out the above basic 
questions anyway, please send me your responses directly by e-mail...


/---------------------------------\       __________
| Navin Pai			  |           /\
| Phone: (O) 602-965-8248	  |          /  \   =  3.14159265358979323846...
|        (H) 602-967-5344	  |         /    \  
| E-mail: npai@enuxha.eas.asu.edu |        /      \   (22/7 is an approximation)