[comp.windows.x] Problem with changing translation of mouse-button in xterm

x-window@uni-paderborn.de (X-Window Betreuung) (04/05/91)

When I tried to change the button-translations of xterm I ran into
some problems. I tried to change the translations in order to provide
an OpenLook'ish style of doing selections. (middle button extends,
right button inserts) I used the following translations in my

XTerm*VT100*Translations:	#override \n\
	None<Key>F18:		insert-selection(PRIMARY,CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
	None<Key>F23:		set-scrollbar(toggle) \n\
	None<Key>F29:		scroll-back(1,page) \n\
	None<Key>F35:		scroll-forw(1,page) \n\
	None<Key>Insert:	insert-selection(PRIMARY,CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
	~Ctrl ~Meta<Btn2Down>:	start-extend() \n\
	~Meta<Btn2Motion>:	select-extend() \n\
	~Ctrl ~Meta<Btn3Up>:	insert-selection(PRIMARY,CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
	~Ctrl ~Meta <BtnUp>:	select-end(PRIMARY, CUT_BUFFER0) \n\
        ~Ctrl ~Meta<Btn2Up>:	ignore() \n\
        ~Ctrl ~Meta<Btn3Down>:	ignore() \n\
        ~Meta <Btn3Motion>:	ignore() \n

But it doesn't work. All I get is a very funny behaviour of buttons 2
and 3. I can select with button 1 and insert with button 3. BUT if I
select with 1, then extend with 2, all input into the xterm is
blocked. Hitting button 3 seems to do nothing. When I then press
button 1, the selection is inserted - but only what was selected with
button 1, not the extension done with button 2. And even more strange,
it gets iserted as many times as I did hit button three before.
Sounds very chaotic, eh? Example:
I have the line
	The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
I select the word quick with button 1. then I extend with button 2 to
brown. The inverted text is:
            quick brown
I hit button three n times. Nothing happens.
I hit button 1. I get:
            quickquickquick .....quick
            \___________ ____________/
                     n times

As if this were not strange enough, there's another problem:
When I try to scroll the window with the scrollbar, xterm dies with
`bus error' or sometimes with `segmentation fault'

Anyone has an explanation or a hint?

Thanks, Swen


---->  Swen Thuemmler  *  X-Betreuung  *  <swen@uni-paderborn.de>  <----