[comp.windows.x] Help with MacX and SunOS

ramsey@sundance.llnl.gov (Susanne Ramsey) (04/08/91)

I have a MacII that I am running MacX 1.1 on..  We have 2 sun servers both 
running 4.1.  I can open a xterm connection to one sun but not to the other.  
I am sure the path and all are okay.. What could be different on the one Sun
system..  BTW they are both sun4's..


  .^.^.  Susanne Barbera-Ramsey	     Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
 . o o . 7000 East Avenue L-630	  |  (415) 423-9530
 .>>v<<. Livermore Ca 94550	  |  ramsey@sundance.llnl.gov