[comp.windows.x] X11R4 Compilation on HP9000

D_GONZALEZ@upr1.upr.clu.EDU (04/09/91)

Hi again:
	I forgot to mention that I am running HP UX 7.0. I received some
mail that mentions that they compiled under HP UX 6.5. 
	I also checked the Makefiles and config files for X Windows and 
they all mention HP UX 6.5
	I was just wondering if I have to make any changes under HP UX 7.0.

	I also got the X11R4 libraries from hp???.hp.com and they seem to
have been compiled under some other version (HP UX 6.5 ??) since the
executables give me errors..
	Please send me any comments with regards to compiling under HP UX 
7.0 or any other info on mixing the MIT X11R4 with the one provided by
HP. Also any info on clients compiled would be great.


David Gonzalez		internet: d_gonzalez@upr1.upr.clu.edu
CEENET Lab Staff 		  lestat@rmecee01.upr.clu.edu
University of Puerto Rico
Mayaguez Campus -- Engineering School