[comp.windows.x] X windows and SunOS 4.1.1

jaisimha@milton.u.washington.edu (M. Y. Jaisimha) (04/09/91)

We're running X11R4 on Sun Sparcstation 1s and 2s in our lab. We had a
working installation (we got the sources from you and then compiled it) under
SunOS 4.0.3. We recently upgraded to SunOS 4.1.1 and ......... you guessed
right ! It doesn't work !
We get the following diagnostic error message when we try to start up X:

  Fatal server bug !
   no screens found
   Unable to connect to X server

followed by a core dump.

We had the same problem when we tried to start up X on the Sparc 2s. Do I need
to rebuild to fix this problem ? Has anybody else seen this problem ? 
Help !!!!


M . Y. Jaisimha			    internet:jaisimha@milton.u.washington.edu
Intelligent Systems Laboratory      bitnet: jaisimha@uwavm.bitnet
Department of Electrical Engineering,