[comp.windows.x] FrameMaker and

dana@dino.bellcore.com (Dana A. Chee) (04/10/91)

In article <9104091721.AA05518@mijen.inel.gov>, dob@inel.GOV (Dave Brooks) writes:
|> ...
|> note that Frame works fine under twm, except that you can't close
|> individual windows like you can under mwm.  or at least i haven't figured
|> out how...
|> dlb
|> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|> David L. Brooks
|> Idaho National Engineering Lab.  INTERNET: dob@INEL.GOV
|> POB 1625 MS 2603                 Phone: (208) 526-0826
|> Idaho Falls, Id. 83415		 FAX:   (208) 526-9936
|> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Add this to your twmrc or vtwmrc file.  It will add a menu to the
titlebar of each window,  For the frame windows, select "Quit Window".
This will make them close (you can replace menu1.xbm with your
favorite little icon).

LeftTitleButton "menu1.xbm" = f.menu "menuWin"  # add a menu to each window
menu "menuWin"
"(De)Iconify"           f.iconify
"Move"                  f.move
"Resize"                f.resize
"Lower"                 f.lower
"Raise"                 f.raise
"Quit Window"           f.delete
"Destroy Window"        f.destroy

*  Dana Chee				(201) 829-4488			  *
*  Bellcore								  *
*  Room 2Q-250								  *
*  445 South Street			ARPA: dana@bellcore.com		  *
*  Morristown,  NJ  07960-1910		UUCP: {gateways}!bellcore!dana	  *

amotz@amil.co.il (Amotz Maimon) (04/11/91)

>> In article <9104091721.AA05518@mijen.inel.gov>, dob@inel.GOV (Dave Brooks) writes:
>> |> ...
>> |>
>> |> note that Frame works fine under twm, except that you can't close
>> |> individual windows like you can under mwm.  or at least i haven't figured
>> |> out how...
>> |> 
>> Add this to your twmrc or vtwmrc file.  It will add a menu to the
>> titlebar of each window...

If you do not want the extra title & menu on each window you can always
define Keys / Mouse buttons that do the same job; e.g. : 

Button2 = c	: window  : f.raiselower
"L7"	=	: window  : f.iconify

| Amotz   Maimon  				Internet: amotz@amil.co.il  |
| Applied Materials (Israel) LTD.		Fax: +972-3498-078          |
| P.O. Box 58039 / M.S. 0033     		Phone: +972-3498-201        |
| Sante Clara, CA, 95052-8039                                               |